Research Mentors & Projects

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Photometric X-ray Sources


TxSt: Dr. Blagoy Rangelov

CU: Dr. Meredith MacGregor

Outbursts of high energy radiation from stars or ‘flares’ can ionize, modify, and even erode planetary atmospheres. Thus, to determine whether a given exoplanet could be habitable to life, we must develop a better understanding of its stellar radiation environment.  To date, most research efforts have focused on characterizing large flaring events.  By combining the expertise of the Rangelov Lab in characterization of faint X-ray sources and of the MacGregor Lab in formation and potential habitability of planetary systems, a Sloan Scholar will identify flaring events spanning a wider range of energies, allowing for improved characterization of habitable planetary systems. Our project will focus on analyzing photometric observations from the Chandra X-ray Observatory to extract X-ray properties and create light curves of astrophysical sources, and search for time variability. Under the joint supervision of Drs. Rangelov and MacGregor, a Sloan Scholar will develop data analysis tools specifically aimed at detecting faint sources. The student will apply this data analysis pipeline to explore (1) the nature of extragalactic X-ray sources at TxSt and (2) stellar activity and planetary habitability at the CU.

Characterization of Protein Phase Separation


TxSt: Dr. Steve Whitten and Dr. Karen Lewis

CU: Dr. Loren Hough

Our goal is to establish a predictive, quantitative, and molecular model that describes liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) of proteins. Protein LLPS forms cellular condensates that facilitate key biological processes including transcription, translation, metabolism, and signaling. Recently, in a close collaboration, Lewis, Hough, and Whitten developed the ParSe algorithm to predict LLPS behavior in protein sequences . The next step is to design experimental tests of the mechanistic details that underlie phase separation behavior. Sloan Scholars will perform biophysical and cell-based characterization of protein domains identified computationally. As the expertise and equipment required for such characterization is split between TxSt and CU, Sloan Scholars will  be fully engaged with all three groups, including long-standing weekly joint group meetings, held via Zoom. Sloan Scholars will begin in the Whitten and Lewis groups to produce proteins and conduct preliminary characterization of LLPS behavior. At CU, Scholars will characterize protein structure in Hough Lab using solution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), and then return to TxSt for additional biophysical and physiological work. Notably, scholars will have the opportunity to continue NMR experiments at CU even while in Texas, as most experimental setup can be done remotely.

In-situ Data Analysis and Visualization

Computer Science

TxSt: Dr. Tanzima Islam

CU: Dr. Jed Brown

This project aims to develop a data analytics and visualization framework for scientific data. Such frameworks enable simulations that can detect the potential for extreme and rare weather events (e.g., hurricanes). The simulations benefit from high-resolution in-situ data analytics that process large volumes of data and require scalable feature recognition techniques. Machine learning techniques will be used to identify important features for the prediction or explanation of interesting phenomena in simulation outputs. At TxSt, the Scholar will be trained in the data analytics pipeline, including feature engineering, analysis, and visualization. Scholars will have opportunities to learn and explore simulation tools developed in CU Boulder’s PSAAP Center, and will apply the analysis and visualization techniques to physical fields as well as performance data collected on DOE supercomputers. Projects related to identifying performance bottlenecks using machine learning techniques will train Scholars in best practices of offline data analysis. Scholars will have an opportunity to present their work to tri-lab partners (LLNL, LANL, SNL; actively hiring interns and staff at multiple levels). Sloan Scholars will learn to adapt the data processing and analytics components to deal with the challenges of streaming data, and have the opportunity to continue data analytics and visualization experiments at scale at CU even while in Texas, as the computer systems needed to work on the projects can be set up to allow remote access.

Metal Halide Electronic Structure of Photovoltaic Cells

Materials Physics

TxSt: Dr. Nikoleta Theodoropoulou

CU: Dr. Joe Berry (NREL)

The Berry lab has developed novel metal halide perovskites (MHPs) for which many of the standard semiconductor techniques and analysis approaches are not applicable because mobile ions act in addition to charge carriers. The team hypothesizes that the insight required to understand these measurements for the MHPs developed at CU will be enabled by the temperature dependent capabilities at Texas State, including temperature dependent dark current-voltage (JVT) and temperature-intensity dependent current-voltage (JVTI) measurements. The Sloan Scholar will gain expertise in PV design and function, from fabrication (primarily at CU) to characterization (primarily at TxSt).  Evaluation and understanding of the materials and measurements will be undertaken collaboratively. Proposed device and measurement strategies will be discussed and prioritized by the team in biweekly meetings, in which both groups will be involved in all aspects of device and measurement design since their complementary expertise is required for progress in PV design.

Equity, Access, and Success in Undergraduate Physics

Physics Education Research

TxSt: Dr. Eleanor Close

CU: Dr. Noah Finklestein and Dr. Bethany Wilcox

There are several active projects that span TxSt and CU-Boulder in “discipline-based educational research” (DBER), with particular focus on physics education. Generally, our projects test the dependence of outcomes on academic setting. In each case, Sloan Scholars will develop appropriate skills through training in human subjects research and mentoring on project-specific research and analysis methods, including quantitative analysis of student work and course outcomes, and/or qualitative analysis of data such as interviews and think-aloud protocols. Sloan Scholars will be integrated into the research projects of their choice, participate in joint group meetings across the campuses, and jointly supervised by faculty in our research groups on a weekly basis. The three potential research areas are 1) student reasoning and understanding of physics concepts where Sloan scholar will develop metrics of student performance in lower level (TxSt) or upper-level (CU) classes, 2) course and institutional transformation specifically focused on the learning assistance programs, which are vibrant on both campuses, and 3) equity in physics education focusing on the effects of course transformation on equity in student outcomes, including outcomes for women, African-American, Latino/a, and first-generation students.